Analyzing metaheuristic algorithm structures using population interaction networks


In the real life, many people and things have complex relationships. These relationships can be abstracted as complex networks, such as social networks, Internet-of-Things networks, and traffic networks. Over the past several decades, complex networks have received a lot of attention and flourished in many fields. Generally, complex networks are composed of nodes and edges. A node represents an individual and an edge means the relationship between two nodes. They can reflect some characteristics of various networks, such as small world, scale-free (i.e., power-law distribution), and community structure. These characteristics let people understand the rules of complex networks and explain certain phenomenons in the real world. Thus, complex networks as one kind of tools can analyze the essence of research objectives and improve their robustness.

Feb 8, 2023 5:21 AM
WeAI research group & University of Toyama


Xiaosi Li 李小司

Yifei Yang 楊逸飛

Haotian Li 李浩天

Haichuan Yang 楊海川

Yuxin Zhang 張雨馨

Published Journals:

  1. Li, X., Li, J., Yang, H., Wang, Y., & Gao, S. (2022). Population interaction network in representative differential evolution algorithms: Power-law outperforms Poisson distribution. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications603, 127764.
  2. Zhang Y, Yang Y, Li X, Yuan Z, Todo Y, Yang H. A Dendritic Neuron Model Optimized by Meta-Heuristics with a Power-Law-Distributed Population Interaction Network for Financial Time-Series Forecasting. Mathematics. 2023; 11(5):1251. Code
  3. Yang, H., Gao, S., Lei, Z., Li, J., Yu, Y., & Wang, Y. (2023). An improved spherical evolution with enhanced exploration capabilities to address wind farm layout optimization problem. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 123, 106198.
  4. Yang, Y.; Tao, S.; Yang, H.; Yuan, Z.; Tang, Z. Dynamic Complex Network, Exploring Differential Evolution Algorithms from Another PerspectiveMathematics 202311, 2979. Code
Haichuan Yang 楊海川
Haichuan Yang 楊海川
assistant professor

My research interests include meta-heuristic algorithms, artificial neuron model and complex systems.